Because call centres don’t need to suck.
Our common-sense recipe, augmented by tech, delivers world-class experiences quickly and profitably. We’ve proven it.

This is the sadly familiar lousy experience that most customers face:
The windy road of customer frustration:
- I have an issue or want to buy something.
- How the heck do I even contact this brand?
- Ahh! Not another IVR!!
- A human (after 45 minutes)! Ugh – false alarm, wrong department.
- You won’t transfer me? I need to call back and deal with that IVR again?!
- Another 45 minute wait.
- Finally the right human… or not. They’re hard-to-understand, barely competent, and don’t have the knowledge, resources or authority to help me. Screw this.
It’s always the same: poorly engineered experiences and disengaged workers, led by managers whose best idea is to cut another dollar of cost. Don’t get us wrong, we love making you money too – but it turns out that delivering great experiences also delivers more value for your call center dollar, period.
Today’s Lousy Call Centres Odometer:
Annoyed Customers
Minutes Wasted
Dollars Wasted Forever
Thus far, today’s great call center injustice – visualized*. And yes, we do take this personally. So personally, in fact, that our entire reason for being is to challenge sales and service mediocrity and replace it with something exponentially better: us!
*based on an estimated number of poor services experiences, lengthy call times, and needless costs that result, on a daily basis, among North American consumer brands.
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